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Completed Projects and Events


Pictured: SCCA members volunteering with the Rivanna Conservation Alliance in November 2022 (left) and at the Kid*vention event in April 2022 (right). 


Elective at UVASOM

Student-designed and faculty- sponsored, the inaugural session of the 2-week intensive elective for fourth-year medical students was offered in January of 2022. The course featured daily expert speakers and culminated in VCCA Advocacy Day speaking to our state legislators about planetary health policy. 25 students registered and completed the course. The course will be offered again in January 2023.


RCA Tree Clean-Up

In November 2022, eight SCCA members collaborated with the Rivanna Conservation Alliance to perform maintenance on over 1000 trees that were planted along the Rivanna River in the year prior.



In April 2022, we ran a table at Virginia Discovery Museum's event. We taught children about the importance of cleaning up litter at the beach, and provided educational resources for parents about the impact of climate change on health.


Advocacy Day

Members of our group have attended the Virginia Clinicians for Climate Action Advocacy Day annually. The two-day event includes  workshops where we learn about advocating for plantary health policy with our state legislators followed by meetings with our legislators.


"Incorporating Climate Health Into Medical Education"

As part of the VCCA webinar series, we spoke on our curricular effort as part of a panel along with students from Shenandoah and George Washington Universities. 


2021 Planetary Health Report Card Conference

Leadership team members Kylie Fultineer and Venkat Kothandaraman presented the PHRC curricular efforts at UVA, and were honored with an award for their presentation. 


Curricular Climate Thread

UVASOM now has a climate thread where sustainability is discussed in the context of medicine and healthcare


VCCA Advocacy Day 2024

Many of our members attended advocacy day in Richmond and spoke with legislators


2021 Virginia Medical Education Summit

Participated in the summit hosted by VCCA that aimed to share successful models for climate and health programs across institutions, create short and long-term plans for program integration, and allow for networking to build community across Virginia.


UVA Medical Center Hour Presentation

Our founder Lena Bichell was a speaker during the presentation "Climate Change in the Commonwealth - Health Implications" in October 2020, along with Jeremy Hoffman, PhD, and Dr. Christine James, MD MSc. 


#trashtag Challenge

SCCA at UVA partnered with the Wilderness Medicine Interest Group to carry out a virtual trash-pickup challenge in November 2021. Participants collected trash around Charlottesville and submitted photos of what they collected. Community-donated prizes were given to the participant that picked up the most and the largest piece of trash.


AAP Climate Change and Pediatric Health Equity Town Hall

We hosted a virtual hub of the American Academy of Pediatrics event. The town hall-style webinar targeted towards trainees in pediatrics. As a hub, we were one of the three sites that was able to put forth a question to the panelists. We provided plant-based snacks for all who attended in person.


"Health Leadership for Climate Solutions"

Several of our founding members spoke on incorporating climate action into our educations as part of a panel that took place as part of the 2021 Protecting Human Health in a Changing Climate conference held virtually at the UVA School of Nursing. 


Plant-based Food Lecture

Several of our members planned a plant-based food lecture collaborating with VegFest and Dr. Shirley Kalwaney to discuss the benefits of a plant-based diet.


Climate Change Podcast

Many of our members created a podcast that discusses various topics in healthcare and sustainability

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